Forex Market Predictions


usdcad prediction

Prediction of USD/CAD pair on D1 Timeframe 01-05-2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2271″ img_size=”1000×400″ alignment=”center” onclick=”zoom” css_animation=”bounceIn”][vc_column_text css_animation=”bounceInRight”] USD/CAD, D1 USD/CAD seems to go down after the retracement from the trend line. We just need to wait for the market to touch the trend line and take a resistance from there […]

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What is Slippage in Forex?

Slippage means the dissimilarity between the expected price of a position as well as the price where the position is made. Slippage frequently happens while in periods of biggest movements, whenever market trades are utilized, also whenever large positions are […]

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